Sekisui transparent eco duster N60L general use
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Sekisui transparent eco duster N60L general use

【order ID】3537650
【basic item number】TPD6R
【brand name】SEKISUI
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】SEKISUI TECHNO MOLDING CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan
●Since the main body is transparent, the inside can be clearly seen, making it easy to check for suspicious items or improperly sorted items.
●It is suitable for sorted collection as it is possible to distinguish the input by color-coding of the head.
●Separation display sticker with Braille (1 sheet) is included.


- Frontage (mm): 348
- Depth (mm): 445
- Height (mm): 770
Inlet color: Red
-Capacity (L): 60

[Specification 2]
●Eco Mark certified product
● Green purchase compliant product
- Packing unit: 4 (In the case of direct shipment from the manufacturer, small freight charges are separate for packing units and below)

●Recycled PET resin

[Set contents/accessories]

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Tiếng Việt