OKD Nestop frontage 1350mm

【order ID】1660383
【basic item number】T-3
【brand name】OKD
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】OKADA INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan
●When stacked, the rail-on-rail joint between the upper and lower tiers ensures cargo stability.
● soins creer can be inserted in all four directions, increasing work efficiency.
● Storage space can be effectively utilized because it can be stacked when not needed.
●Because bolts and nuts are not used at all, it is possible to use for a long time with excellent load resistance.
● It has two functions of a container and a storage shelf.

●This is an option for the top shelf of Neslac, making it a product that does not require pillars such as cardboard boxes.

- Frontage (mm): 1350
- Uniform load (kg): 1000
●Color: Red
- Depth (mm): 1200
- Height (mm): 140
- Number of loading stages (stage): 1
-Effective inner dimension (mm) frontage: 1250
-Effective internal dimensions (mm) depth: 1150

[Specification 2]
- Post: 50 × 50 mm

-Surface treatment: Forced dry painting

[Set contents/accessories]

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