TPHATSU J spring (JB type) Extension spring Wire diameter: 0.32 x outer diameter: 3 x length: 14.3

TPHATSU J spring (JB type) Extension spring Wire diameter: 0.32 x outer diameter: 3 x length: 14.3

【order ID】1604772
【basic item number】JB-43
【brand name】TPHATSU
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】Tokyo Hatsujyo Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
●Tension spring using stainless steel wire (SUS304-WPB).


- Wire diameter d (mm): 0.32
- Outer diameter D (mm): 3.0
- Number of turns (turns): 27.5
- Spring constant (N/mm): 0.17
-Allowable load (N): 2.50
● Initial tension (N): 0.28
-Type: Stainless steel tension spring
● Deflection (mm): 13.0
Operating temperature range (°C): 290°C or less
- Inner diameter (mm): 2.36
- Free length (mm): 14.3
- Use length (mm): 27.3
- Maximum load (N): 2.50
Operating temperature range (°C): 290°C or less
● Deflection (mm): 13.0
- Inner diameter (mm): 2.36
-Type: Stainless steel tension spring

[Specification 2]

●Stainless steel (SUS304-WPB)

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