150MM rubber wheels with metal fittings made of KSK casting

150MM rubber wheels with metal fittings made of KSK casting

【order ID】1075098
【basic item number】AU150*************************2040
【brand name】Kyomachi Co., Ltd.
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Kyomachi Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
[Features] ● A casting type caster for medium loads. ●Because it is made of cast iron, it absorbs vibration and sound, and has a higher allowable load than pressed wheels. ●It is a casting type caster suitable for transporting heavy objects.

[Use] ● Used by attaching to a cart for transportation.

[Specifications] - Allowable load (daN): 171.5 - Allowable load (kgf): 175 - Wheel diameter D (mm): 150 - Wheel width (mm): 45 - Mounting height H (mm): 210 - Mounting seat A ( mm): 182 ● Mounting seat B (mm): 80 ● Mounting pitch X (mm): 145 ● Mounting hole diameter P (mm): 12 ● Allowable load (N): 1750

[Specification 2] Fixed type

[Materials/Finish] ●Metal fittings: FC casting ●Metal fitting surface treatment: paint finish ●Wheels: cast wheels, rubber

[Set contents/accessories]

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