TAIYO quick partition
TAIYO quick partition
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  • Load image into gallery viewer, TAIYO quick partition

TAIYO quick partition

【order ID】1498098
【Basic item number】QP2727H***********************4008
【brand name】TAIYO
【minimum order quantity】1Set
【manufacturer name】TAIYO KOGYO CORPORATION
【Country of origin】China
Create a safe space with privacy.
Two people can assemble it in about 5 minutes.
The double curtains allow easy entry and exit for wheelchairs, etc. while protecting the privacy of the interior.
It can be stored compactly.
It can be used over and over again.

Evacuation area family space, changing room, nursing room

Depth (m): 2.7
Frontage (m): 2.7
Building height (m): 1.8
Storage size: (mm): 1650 x 190
Building height (m): 1.8
Depth (m): 2.7
Frontage (m): 2.7

[Specification 2]

Fabric: Polyester
Pole: Fiberglass

[Set contents/accessories]

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Tiếng Việt