MT S-type handrail post

MT S-type handrail post

【order ID】4660781
【basic item number】PS
【brand name】MT
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】MT Co,ltd
【Country of origin】Japan
You can freely combine them, and you can choose the installation height, the number of stairs, and the angle of the stairs.
It can be assembled according to the installation situation such as straight, clockwise, or counterclockwise.
The height can be freely set from 1000 to 3750 mm by combining the S type (hook type) and G type (freestanding type) stand.

For emergency stairs, temporary stairs in places that need to be removed at a later date, and machine maintenance.

Applicable models: For MT step S type
Item name: Handrail post

[Specification 2]
Alumite finish (using trivalent chromium plating)

Aluminum (with alumite)

[Set contents/accessories]

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