KURE super durable water repellent body coat looks raincoat 240ml

KURE super durable water repellent body coat looks raincoat 240ml

【order ID】1146782
【basic item number】1190
【brand name】KURE
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】KURE Engineering Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
A glass coating agent for automobile bodies that provides amazing water repellency and a deep luster with a mirror-like luster.
It forms a tough coating film with excellent durability, so the luster and water repellent effect will last for a long time.
Since it prevents dirt from sticking, it can be easily maintained by simply washing with water after construction.

Exterior painting of automobiles, polishing and coating of plastics and plated parts

Capacity (ml): 240
Type: Body

[Specification 2]

Glass-based resin, fluororesin, glossy polymer, silicon-based compound

[Set contents/accessories]
microfiber cloth

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