OSG carbide AD drill 4D type 8673400

OSG carbide AD drill 4D type 8673400

【order ID】8264802
【basic item number】8673400
【brand name】OSG
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】OSG Corporation.
【Country of origin】Japan
It is a next-generation general-purpose carbide drill that supports various processing machines, from small machines and high-performance machining centers to automatic lathes and lathes.
The new wavy flute shape and low center thickness design have achieved low thrust and stable torque.
By adopting "EgiAs coating", the wear-resistant layer suppresses wear, and the nano-periodic lamination prevents the propagation of cracks.

Work material: low/medium/high carbon steel, alloy steel, tempered steel, cast iron, ductile cast iron.

Blade diameter (mm): 14
Groove length (mm): 77
Total length (mm): 124
Shank diameter (mm): 14
Effective processing depth: 4D (blade diameter x 4 times)
Surface treatment: EgiAs coating

[Specification 2]

Micro Grain Carbide

[Set contents/accessories]

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